Aloha Everyone,
Welcome to the Hawaii Youth Sailing Association (HYSA) website. The goal of our organization is to support and promote youth sailing in Hawai’i. As the 2022 commodore, I’m excited to be a part of HYSA's new initiatives to provide more sailing opportunities for sailors in Hawaii. Also, we are going paperless and working with a member management system to help make membership and clinic registration efficient.
I grew up in San Diego and was an active junior sailor at Mission Bay Yacht Club starting at an early age and have enjoyed recreational and competitive sailing throughout my life. Since moving to Hawai’i in 2001 I have been active in the local Laser and Cal 20 racing. Looking forward to meeting everyone and helping to promote our sport here in Hawai’i.
Steve Hochart, HYSA Commodore
Aloha from HYSA Commodore

HYSA's Mission
The Hawaii Youth Sailing Association (HYSA) was founded to encourage, support, and promote the growth of junior sailing and racing in Hawaii.
The primary purpose of HYSA is to improve communication and connect junior sailors with sailing programs and available resources.
HYSA maintains and distributes the master calendar for junior sailing clinics, races, and special events. Clinics are held annually for Laser, Laser Radial, El Toro, O'pen Skiff, Waszp, iQ Foil, 420 and 29er sailors to prepare them for racing at regional, national, and international levels. Our yacht clubs host multiple regattas year-round, including the regional qualifier for the US Sailing Chubb Junior Championships.
HYSA is a non-profit volunteer organization that relies on the support of its members, their families, junior sailing coaches, and yacht club affiliates. It is funded solely by annual membership dues, clinic fees, and donations. Proceeds are used to fund clinics and purchase trophies presented at the annual recognition banquet.
HYSA 2024-25 Board Members
*** Click over the name to email contact **
HYSA Executive Officers
Steve Hochart HYSA Commodore / Area H Rep for
US Sailing and ILCA
Andy Huntoon HYSA Vice Commodore/PR
Leandra Velasco HYSA Secretary
Bernice Parsons HYSA Treasurer
Sailing Directors
Pearl Lattanzi Hawaii YC Sailing Director
Billy Balding Hawaii Kai Boat Club Sailing Director
Charlie Field High School Sailing
Jesse Andrews Kaneohe YC Sailing Director
Sandy Ragley Wood Pearl Harbor YC
Seamus Murphy Rainbow Bay Marina Sailing Director
Guy Fleming Waikiki YC Sailing Director / HLA Dir.
HYSA Club Delegates
Karen Lattanzi Hawaii Kai Boat Club Delegate
Steve Thomas Hawaii Sailing Foundation
Jennifer Doran / Andy Bates Kaneohe YC Delegate
Jennifer Herring Makani Kai YC Delegate
Linda Ladeira Pacific YC Delegate
Erika Theising Pearl Harbor YC Delegate