HYSA Code of Ethics
& Sportsmanship
"You haven't won the race if in winning the race you have lost the respect of your competitors."
Paul Elvstrom (four times Olympic Gold Medalist in the Finn Dinghy)
Apply the Corinthian values and traditions of fair sportsmanship to all aspects of sailing.
Treat other persons and their property as you know they should be treated, and as you wish them to treat you and your property.
Regard the racing rules as agreements, the spirit or letter of which you should not evade or break.
Be gracious in both victory and defeat.
Be cooperative and respectful. Remember that your actions on and off the water reflect on you and your sailing organization.
Guidelines for all Participants in HYSA Events
Sailors Should Always
Follow the HYSA Code of Ethics. Know and abide by the racing rules.
Obey regatta and housing rules and regulations.
Be aware of and follow Lost and Found procedures.
Help and encourage others - cooperate and assist others.
Be polite on and off the water to race officials and other sailors.
Thank the Race Committees and other members of the host club.
Sailors Should Never
Swear at, intimidate, or harass anyone including teammates on or off the water.
Borrow, without permission, anything that does not belong to them.
Use controlled substances.
Instructors Should Always
Follow and promote the HYSA Code of Ethics.
Be aware of their enormous influence on the sailors in their charge and strive to model the highest ethical and moral conduct.
Place winning in the context of sportsmanship and fair play.
Take an active role in the prevention of drug, alcohol, and tobacco use.
Be always aware of their responsibility for the supervision and welfare of the sailors in their charge, including away regattas.
Be thoroughly acquainted with the racing rules, encourage adherence to the rules, and teach not only the rules, but also the procedures to be followed at a protest hearing.
Assist all sailors to develop to their fullest potential.
Encourage their sailors to be organized, to be responsible for their equipment, to respect the property of others and to follow lost and found procedures.
Parents Should Always
Support and promote the HYSA Code of Ethics.
Place winning in the context of sportsmanship and fair play.
As spectators, manage their motorboats properly - no wake, no windage. Remember that any coaching during a race is prohibited. Show respect for race officials and regatta rules.
Understand that alcohol and illegal drugs have no place at any junior sailing event.
Model supportive and ethical behavior to the junior sailors.
Race Committes & Organizers Should Always
Support the HYSA Code of Ethics.
Recognize that junior sailing regattas are intended to be fun, educational, and user-friendly events.
Encourage adherence to the racing rules.
Establish and enforce guidelines for spectator boats.
Establish and publicize Lost and Found procedures.
Understand that alcohol and illegal drugs have no place at any junior sailing event.